Earlier this Month, Google has announced that it will be releasing the Android Lollipop update to Android One users in India in next few weeks. Today Android One team has announced that they have started pushing the Android Lollipop update to users in India.
However it is not a full-fledged rollout, we can call it as public beta testing. Google has started seeding the Android Lollipop update to Android One users in India in phases.
Every week, randomly selected Android One users will get the Android Lollipop update. The update is being rolled out via Over-The-Air (OTA) update.
Android One team member also notes that if you are connected via WiFi then you can increase your chances of getting the Lollipop update.
Android One Team member in a Google Plus post said:
To those with +Android One phones in India, here’s where we are with the over-the-air (OTA) update that will bring Android Lollipop to you soon. We’ve already started rolling out Lollipop to a small number of phones in India. This is a gradual process and so each week we’ll push the OTA update to more phones selected at random (pro-tip: connecting over WiFi will increase your odds). We thank you again for your patience, and please stay tuned for further updates.
It is not clear whether Google has released the Android 5.0 update or Android 5.1 Lollipop update. Earlier this month Android One smartphone running on Android 5.1 was released in Indonesia. Google will test the update extensively and after the final testing it will be released to all Android One users.
So if you are a Android One user in India then you should get the update notification soon. If you have received the Lollipop update then do let us know about new features in the comments section below.