After launching its flagship smartphone, Coolpad Max has launched its VR headset in India. The Coolpad Cool VR 1X is launched in India for Rs. 999. It is available on Amazon.
The Chinese company has launched its first VR headset in India. The Virtual Reality Cool VR 1X can handle smartphones having 4.7 to 5.7 inches. You slide your smartphone in to headset so that it can fit properly.
Coolpad says that to get the best experience from Cool VR 1X, the smartphone should have gyroscope sensor. It is compatible with company’s all smartphone but Coolpad Note 3 Lite don’t have gyroscope sensor, so you can’t get best expeenice.
Other smartphones like Coolpad Max, Note 3, and Note 3 Plus have gyroscope sensor and are compatible with Coolpad Cool VR headset. The VR is available on Amazon for Rs. 999.