Nokia XNokia during MWC unveiled its first ever Android series, Nokia X. It was launched in India in March. But the phone doesn’t runs on Android completely. It basically runs on forked version of Android.

After that Nokia launched Nokia X2 with new features. But the Nokia X software platform version 2 update didn’t came for older Nokia X, Nokia X+ and Nokia XL. However Nokia later rolled an Software update for these device.

Earlier, We have come many tutorials to root Nokia X and Nokia XL.We have even published an tutorial about how to install WhatsApp on Nokia X and Nokia XL.

But all these didnt helped in getting stock Android feel on Nokia X device. But not anymore, Now there is some good news for Nokia X users.

CyanogenMod11 is now successfully ported to Nokia X. The CM11 is based on latest version of Android Kitkat 4.4.4. The custom ROM bring the stock Android to the Nokia X device.

Nokia X Cyanogenmod 11CyanogenMod11 for Nokia X is ported by XDA user. The update brings many new features and new Android feel. With the custom ROM, Nokia X users can join the Android Kitkat bandwagon.

Currently CM11 is available only for Nokia X, it is not available for Nokia XL. The Custom ROM does lack many important features. The CM11 build has too many bugs.

Check the complete list below to know what is working and what is not.


  • New CyanogenMod Theme Engine
  • RIL
  • Bluetooth
  • Sensors
  • Touchscreen

Not Working/Bugs:

  • Camera
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internal Storage not detected

You can make calls and use other features. But the bugs like Camera and wi-fi cannot be overlooked as these are one of the major features of any smartphone.

The developer is working on the issues. The camera, wifi and internal storage fix is on the way. The CM11 Custom ROM may be released for Nokia XL soon. You can go to XDA and check the steps for installing CyanogenMod11 on Nokia X. After installing the CM11 you can install Google Apps.

We will come with a tutorial for installing CM11 on Nokia X. The CM11 build is still in beta version so it is recommend to stay away from it till stable version is released.