Samsung has launched a new entry level smartphone in its metro series. Samsung Metro B350E is launched in India at Rs. 2,650. It is available via Samsung eStore.
Samsung Metro B350E SM-B350 comes with a 2.4 inch QVGA screen which translates into 240×320 pixels. It sports a 2 Megapixel rear camera without flash. There is no front facing camera.
Metro B350E has 32MB inbuilt storage, but there’s a MicroSD card slot, through which the memory can increased upto 16GB. It supports dual 2G sim cards. It doesn’t support 3G connectivity.
Samsung Metro B350E packs a 1200mAh battery. It comes with features like Torch, MP3, FM Radio, FB/Twitter,Browser and Power Saving Mode. Its price in India is Rs. 2650.