Facebook has been very popular social networking site among people. More than one billion people use Facebook. Facebook has become the main activity area for sharing, posting photos and check-ins. But things which look good from outside doesn’t meant to be Good from inside also. Over the time there have been several allegations on big Tech companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, samsung for spying user private data. There have been USA Spy agency NSA who spy on user data and store private data on their servers. All these companies have directly or indirectly denied the spying Allegations.
Facebook, who collects lots of user data like what we share , what we post , where we visit. Facebook stores all these information to serve the ads according to location, mood and interest. Facebook even collects your private mobile number, and also scans your phone contacts, from which Facebook shows friend suggestion. All these hinder user privacy in one way or other.
What if someone reads all your private messages or MMS, I am sure you won’t like that, nobody likes that. Everybody wants their privacy when it comes to reading Their private SMS/MMS. But now your privacy may be lost if you use Facebook on Android Device. Facebook for Android recently updated its mobile app, which adds a new permission to read all your SMS/MMS. Facebook is rolling out this update in phases so that it doesn’t get much limelight.
This was noticed by a Reddit user, who posted the photo. The link became hottest topic for gossip. Many people were not satisfied by this new permission. Facebook has its own clarification for the new permission, Facebook says that it reads SMS to avoid Facebook SMS verification Spam. Now Facebook only know how it will read the SMS.
In future don’t be shocked to get ads on the basis on your SMS conversation. We advice all our reader to to read the permission on Google play before installing any app. Many fraud apps use this permission to scam people. It was also reported earlier this year that 99% android users were targeted by Malicious code. So beware before installing this apps.
What do you think about this new permission on Facebook For Android app? Let us know in comments.