Motorola Moto G which was launched back in February with a bang is now available for ₹10,499 which ₹2,000 less than the launch price. Flipkart has announced flat Rs. 2,000 off on Moto G. Earlier Flipkart had announced Exchange offer on Moto G in which also Flipkart was giving Rs. 2,000 for old phone. But in this case you buy it for Rs. 10,499 without exchanging the phone or using any coupon.
Flipkart is offering ₹2,000 off on both 8 GB and 16 models. So 8 GB Moto G will cost ₹10,499 and 16 GB Moto G will cost ₹11,999. You can buy the Moto G at discounted rate from Flipkart.
Lets have a quick recap of Moto G Specs. Moto G Features 4.5 inch IPS LCD screen with 720×1280 resolution, protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 Protection. It runs on 1.2 GHz quad core snapdragon 400 processor with 1 GB RAM. For Graphics it has Adreno 395 GPU.
Moto G has 5 megapixel rear camera and 1.2 megapixel front camera. It comes with 8/16 GB internal memory which cannot be expanded.
Its connectivity options include wi-fi, 3G, Bluetooth, USB. Moto G is a Dual Sim Device. Moto G has battery capacity of 2,070 mAH.
It runs on latest Android 4.4.4 KitKat.
Key specifications
- 4 inch IPS HD 720p Screen
- 1.2 GHz quad core processor
- 1 GB RAM
- Adreno 395 GPU
- 5 Megapixel rear camera
- 1.2 megapixel front camera
- 2,070 mAh battery
- 16/32 GB Internal memory options, cannot be expanded.
- Android Kitkat 4.4.4
So after reducing the Rs. 2,000 discount, you can get Moto G 8 GB for Rs. 10,499 and 16 GB Moto G for Rs 11,999 from Flipkart. If you haven’t bought Moto G yet then it is good time to buy it as you can get for Rs. 10,499 only. The offer is not available for Moto X.