Google Now cards which are already available for Android and iOS Devices are now headed towards Desktop Chrome browser on Windows PC and Mac. Google has been testing this new feature since very long time. Alpha version of Chrome already had this feature and now Google has released Google Now in public release of Chrome.
“Starting today and rolling out over the next few weeks, Google Now notifications will be available to Chrome users on their desktop or laptop computers. To enable this feature, simply sign in to Chrome with the same Google Account you’re using for Google Now on Android or iOS” says Google through Google+ Post.
Google Now cards shows important information like weather, news, remainders, scores, directions, stock and many more in the card type interface.
Also Read : Google Now adds support for Cricket and Indian Premier League Cards
Google Now on Chrome for Desktop/Laptop uses location information, Some cards are based on Mobile location. Google Now on Chrome shows a subset of the Now cards you see on your mobile device, which uses your device’s location. So sometimes Google Now may be accurate as it shows information related to mobile location.
To set up Google Now cards you need to have a Google account. If you have already using Google Now on Mobile then you can that account also and all your Google Now setting will be imported to Chrome. If you don’t want to use your mobile device location on Chrome for desktop then you can turn off it from your Android or iOS device.
In the mean time you can use Google Now on your Smartphones through Google Search App. You can download Google search app for iOS from iTunes and for Android from Play Store.