Have you ever wondered why Safari performs better than Chrome?
Safari and Other Stock Apps perform better because Apple is always known for keeping its mobile ecosystem as closed ecosystem. Apple allows developers to build applications for its iOS System but has certain limitations. Apple don’t given access to private APIs for developing Apps. Some Performance API are reserved for Stock apps only, developer can’t use it in their app. One of these private API is Nitro Just In Time(JIT) JavaScript which is reserved for Stock apps like Safari, Mail, Stocks, Weather and others. This Nitro JIT JavaScript helps these stock apps to perform way better than other apps. Now there is way to unlock this JavaScript for other apps also. But for this you need to jailbreak your device.
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Nitrous by Joe Jordan is jailbreak tweak which boosts app performance up-to five times. Nitro JIT JavaScript allows apps to perform faster. Now with this tweak installed you can increase performance of apps like Chrome, Facebook, Twitter and other apps. You can see in the image above that before enabling the Tweak, Total time was 3923ms and after enabling the tweak total time is reduced to 805ms. The performance is five times better, The test was performed on Google Chrome Browser using Webkit.org SunSpider 0.9.1 WebKit Test. The Tweak can increase web performance drastically.
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After installing this tweak there is option to enable and disable from the setting pane. You can also enable it for selected apps also, from the setting menu you can select app which will use Nitro JavaScript. The tweak is available in Cydia’s BigBoss repo for $0.99. This tweak is worth the cost, In this price you will get all future updates for free. The price is very low compared to what performance it provides. We recommend this as a must have jailbreak tweak for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch running iOS 6, iOS 7. The tweak is also compatible with arm-64 devices like iPhone 5s, iPad Air and iPad min Retina.
To use this tweak you need to jailbreak your device, if you haven’t jailbreak already then you can do it right now with this tutorial.
So Get this amazing tweak and increase the app performance drastically.