Apple iOS 7 was a major overhaul since original iOS. Apple introduced control center with iOS 7. Control center has become very important part of iPhone and iPad devices. Ever since iOS 7 jailbreak is released, there many tweaks which are released for control center. Many tweaks customize control center, some tweaks add handy feature to the control center. Last month we told you about CCLoader, which lets you edit sections of control center. Now a add-on for CCLoader is released which display many useful system meters on the control center.
CCMeters by Sticktron is a new paid jailbreak tweak which adds a handful of system meters in the Control Center. There are CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk usage and internet speed meters. CPU usage meter display amount of CPU memory is utilized by device. RAM meter shows free RAM. DISK Meter shows remaining amount of disk space remaining. Internet meter shows uplink and downlink speed on wifi/2G/3G/LTE. These tweak looks very polished, these meters can be used to check disk space, internet speed right from Control Center.
CCMeter is dependent on CCLoader, after installing the tweak, there are various design options. User can select the appropriate design like white font, white label etc. CCMeters can be activated from CCLoader menu, shift the CCMeters option from Disable section to Enable Section. See this video tutorial to know how to enable and disable sections in CCLoader.

CCMeters is available for $1 on cydia BigBoss repo and is compatible with iPhone only, running iOS 7.