Apple introduced post to Twitter in iOS 5 , then post to Facebook was introduced with iOS 6. But with the launch of iOS 7 apple removed social share widget from notification center. But now a new jailbreak tweak allows you to bring back social widget back in notification center.
The free jailbreak tweak “Share Widget for iOS 7” by Merlin is available in Cydia biggboss repo.
See the video below:
Steps :
1. Install the tweak from cydia biggboss repo.
2. Enable from notification center in setting
Note: Device should be jailbreaked before using this tweak.
After installing the tweak, there is option in setting pane, it supports four social apps : Facebook, twitter, saina weibo, tancent weibo.
In setting pane there is option to disable certain social icon in Notification center. There is no home screen icon for this tweak.
So tell us how you like the video.
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