Advertising for your business can be a challenge. You can find so many techniques to engage your customers and bring in new ones by using great marketing. Navigating through social media platforms can open up your business to a new set of buyers, but you also need to engage them through entertaining and effective promotions. You need to thrust your brand into the forefront, impressing current and possible customers. Here are some ways to gather up the business you want with a few easy tips such as increasing your brand account’s free Instagram followers.
Social media platforms
Social media is the fastest way to reach out and connect with thousands of people with the click of a button. With a clearly thought-out page on Instagram or Facebook, you can revamp your style quickly and effectively. For smaller businesses, this can be the key to gaining more traffic into your store, whether it’s online or brick-and-mortar. Other ways to market for your merchandise are birthday clubs, which requires sending out a postcard by snail mail with a coupon on it. This is a great way to entice people into visiting your online site or your store to see what’s new.
Older customers who might use social media less could benefit from your mailing out a flyer or letter letting them know, for example, if you’ve left your current location or you’ve switched to online business. It doesn’t cost you a lot to keep them in the loop. With a smart letterhead with your logo and the new information is good customer service. You’re still including them and asking to be apart of your brand for years to come.
Visual content
Your biographical information on all your accounts should be clear. They should have a little about your company and links that can be followed to your online store. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, add your address, phone number, and even a little bit about you, as the owner. A great profile picture is the first thing that may catch someone’s eye to click on your sales site and continue scrolling. Make sure you use the same font and color highlights throughout, so that the pictures have uniformity. It shows you have a consistent brand and connects to your buyers on a certain level. If you’re selling items from a boutique, for example, you can use the same filter to display pictures of this year’s new sweater line. Great boutiques can use this as free advertising to lead lure people to their websites.
The importance of hashtags
The hashtags you add on your postings helps guide people towards your business and similar keywords. You can create your own tagline of your brand or company name and place it with every social media account. Just make sure these make sense and aren’t too long. When people click on these, you want your company to be in or near the top of what everyone is looking for and loves.
Expand your business with the help of others
Searching social media for celebrities in the area might benefit your company too. You want to reach out to your base on your accounts. This might mean reaching out to the local influencers who can wear your brand on their accounts, which would boost your numbers.
Seek out big clients
Once you have a lead on a large business that might require your products or services, go after that prospective client. Offer a discount so that they’ll try your company. Or be proactive by creating a detailed, written plan on why your company is right for them. Include methods, business philosophy, costs, and guarantees. Signing on one big client may well lead to others.