HTC One M8 gold colorHTC had unveiled its latest flagship HTC One M8 last month. And Now HTC has launched it officially in India. HTC One M8 is launched at a price of Rs. 49,900. The device will go on sale from 7 May 2014.

HTC One M8 Indian version has 2.5 GHz processor while global version was launched with 2.3GHz processor. HTC One M8 also supports Indian LTE bands. It has Dual camera setup and also has power saving mode.


HTC One M8 Features a 5 inch FHD AMOLED Display. It runs on 2.5 GHz Snapdragron 801 Processor with 2GB of RAM. For the Graphics it has Adreno 330 GPU chipset. HTC One M8 have 4 Ultra Pixel rear camera, it has dual camera setup on its back. It also has 5 Mega Pixel front camera.

HTC One M8 is packed with 2,600mAh Battery. There are two memory options 16GB and 32GB, HTC has also added MicroSD card support by which memory can be expanded upto 128GB.

HTC One M8 has other Connectivity options like Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi, NFC, LTE. HTC One M8 also supports Indian LTE Band. Indian users can use Indian carriers LTE Network on HTC One M8.

HTC One M8 runs on Androi Kitkat 4.4.2 with a layer of 6th Sense (HTC Sense 6.0).

Key specifications

  • 5 inch FHD screen
  • 2.5 GHz Snapdragon 801
  • 2GB RAM
  • Adreno 330GPU
  • 4 Ultra pixel duo rear camera
  • 5 megapixel front camera
  • 2,600 mAh battery
  • 16 GB, 32 GB Internal memory options, can be expanded up to 128GB
  • HTC Sense 6.0
  • Android Kitkat 4.4.2
  • NFC And LTE

Pricing and Availability

HTC One M8 is priced at Rs. 49,900 in India. HTC has kept the price lower than Galaxy S5 which was launched for Rs. 51,500. Keeping the price on lower HTC One M8 will attract several customers. It will be available from first week of may. You can pre-order the device from today.