Thursday the 22nd of September 2016 at 12:10pm, in RFI’s Show ‘7 milliards de voisins’, a daily magazine dealing with all kind of social issues, everyday life and hosted by the journalist Emmanuelle Bastide, will be presented by the journalist Charlie Dupiot in collaboration with Cécile Lavolot, around the theme: Africa 100% connected tomorrow: is it possible? We asked Alexandre Despallieres his opinion and he answered: “If you want to know, you will have to listen RFI!”
“Education remain our priority” explained Xin Wei. He recently denounced the dramatic waste of energy of all our electronic devices at home when in standby mode. “We all have around 15 to 50 small devices in the home and they consume without anyone noticing and thus unnecessarily increase our bills! The subject has been raised by journalists but it seems that no one has ever considered this problem seriously. According to different reports from the year 2013, this waste was equivalent to 11% of our annual electricity bill for an average of 86 euros per household in France. What are the numbers today? As a simple example, when your charger is plugged into your outlet, current flows in a wire until the coil which causes unnecessary energy consumption. This is why your charger is hot when connected to the outlet without your computer connected, this is called the Joule effect. According to ‘l’Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Énergie’ (ADEME) it require two nuclear power plants at full capacity to provide this energy wastage and whose cost amounts to 2 billion € annually in France. This is no longer a waste, it’s a shame. Despite the applicable European directive since January 2010 that limits the power devices on standby mode to 0.5W, the directive fails to take into account the waste of our major appliances; such as the washing machine, the dryer or the dishwasher … In use effectively I did test my new and quite beautiful dishwasher A +++ which is about 30% more economic compare to one classification A. However, it is nowhere mentioned that my horribly expensive unit will consume even when it is not in use, it is not 0,5 Watts I am talking about, but 6 time this amount. This is significant 3W brings me over a year period to 26 kWh for nothing, it makes me think twice.”
The co-founders of K3OPS raised the major problem of Telnet port, one of the oldest protocols that allows hackers to gain unauthorized access into our IoT devices and take control of your computer, stealing your data and could provoke irreversible damages. “It is time to be responsible” they said, “we are facing challenges, the transition requires to redesign the architecture of our old protocols and the cooperation between every actor in the field of the new technologies. This is now crucial to educate our customers and to listen to their needs.” They both concluded. We cannot wait what they will disclose Thursday at RFI.
Les créateurs de la technologie K3OPS et de la société STICKnCHARGE LTD. participeront à l’émission ‘7 milliards de voisins’ sur Radio France Internationale, jeudi 22 septembre 2016 à 12H10 sur le thème : l’Afrique 100% connectée demain : est-ce possible ? Cette émission interactive où les auditeurs ont aussi la parole, sera présentée par la journaliste Charlie Dupiot en collaboration avec Cécile Lavolot.
Après avoir insisté sur la nécessité de sécuriser l’Internet des objets, Alexandre Despallieres et Xin Wei s’insurgent du gaspillage d’énergie de tous nos appareils électroniques lorsqu’ils sont en veille. « Pour vous donner un ordre de grandeur, cela représente deux centrales nucléaires qui tournent à plein régime, uniquement pour fournir cette énergie de gaspillage et dont le coût se chiffre à 2 milliards d’euros chaque année en France. » Nous avons aussi demandé leur avis sur le sujet qu’ils aborderont à la radio : « Si vous voulez savoir, il faudra écouter RFI !»