K3OPS has made a name for hustling all the laws of physics by creating the most stylish and performing RF energy harvesting systems on the market. Recycling waves into electricity recompenses Xin WEI and Alexandre DESPALLIERES, the two co-founders of this advance technology and propelling them to the top of the list among the top 10 engineering inventions by In Compliance Magazine. True revolution in the field of green energy, they decline their innovation in original forms such as batteries, so as not to need to replace the electronic devices of everyday life. At the beginning of the summer of 2016, they unveiled to the press a tiny device intended to charge any smartphones as well as the whole Internet of Things’ world by an inexhaustible source of renewable energy.
Then, 2017 is the explosion; all eyes are on K3OPS, pronounced Cheops in mention to the second Egypt pharaoh of the 4th dynasty, they start an impressive turning point in the energy transition. They pushed even further boundaries and revealed the most proficient Smart Plug ever made. To the contrary of all any other Smart Plug, this one is cable free, it doesn’t require any charge, but still capable of powering a television that needs 220V for 170W consumption, add to this notable defy a 40W filament bulb and its more than 200 Watts that can be recovered from this splendid device called ‘The Plug’.
“It is no small feat to go up against companies that has ruled the world for more than one hundred years; – stated Alexandre Despallieres – we do not compete with the different players in the energy sector, but with the allies, working closely with producers and suppliers. We offer alternatives, tailored to specific needs, because we believe that energy transition is one of the necessary steps to reduce the catastrophic impact of global warming.”
This energy transition poses serious problems as renewable energies greatly disturb the current model of energy distribution and manufacture. With a system that has lasted for more than a century, the alternatives that are necessary, raise the incompatibility of these new energies with the current infrastructures. It is necessary to circumvent the intermittencies linked to the production of electricity by wind turbines or solar panels. In any case, this transition cannot happen at once, it will take time and learn to change our habits because long-term solutions do not solve short-term constraints. For example, renewable energies have grown considerably since the last decade. Government investments to support renewable energy, wind and solar power initiatives have surpassed the 142 billion Euros for 2015, led by America, China and Germany. Renewable energy sources account for only 7% of the electricity produced in the world. Although it is deplorable that today 80% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels, it must be taken into account that this consequence is to cover what are called ‘peaks in demand’. Thus, even countries with high renewable energy capacity are still obliged to use their former fossil fuel facilities as a means of subsistence. YUAN Jun said; “You understand the complexity of a complete change, it does not mean that the energy transition is a utopia, far from it, it has begun, it is refined and the advances of science allow us to accomplish feats Peculiarities of meta-materials, we are now able to go further in this direction to help Southeast of Asia or some African countries where electricity is still a luxury.”
The goal of energy transition is to improve the quality of life while contributing to a sustainable society. Xin Wei concluded: “Our solutions help relieve existing networks, these alternatives cannot in any case claim to replace them, but they complement in the interests of consumers. We are all concerned about safety and nothing can reform EDF’s experience and excellence. Our technology makes it possible to reduce the polluting electricity production while respecting the architecture of the network but this is only the beginning!”
K3OPS products bring stable source that does not depend on wind or solar radiation, a constant source regardless of the environment. Their devices are an element of response to the problems of electromagnetic pollution. This remarkable technology is part of a wider range of products that operate in an ecological, autonomous way, delivering an inexhaustible source of energy.