“There are too many simple ways to penetrate our new devices connected to the Internet” stated Xin Wei the co-founder with Alexandre Despallieres of Stick’N Charge LTD. “As an example you can compromise the new technology with the very old one to do the trick such as a Telnet server. So to face something that came out from the previous century, in 1969 precisely, most of the “Internet of Things” could easily be breached. The level of security from a new computer server won’t be able to detect an attack from a hacker that finds an open Telnet port, that is possible only because Telnet does not encrypt communications. The situation requires to overcome this serious problem before the worst happens. We cannot allow cyber-criminals to steal all our personal information performing a very well-known technique called foot printing (port sweeps).

Alexandre Despallieres and Xin Wei, the two creators of K3OPS breakthrough technology, work actively with Jun YUAN, a big name in Artificial Intelligence, in charge of the IT department, to actively secure different new protocols of transmission. “IoT is a tremendous market that proliferated too fast” Said Alexandre Despallieres, “Every Internet-connected devices are unfortunately an opportunity for hackers to steal all your personal information. Considering all the figures mentioned in different reports about this ‘billions dollars market’ that reunites the Internet of things is under the spotlight and makes every headline. Investors are back, searching any opportunity to penetrate the potential of the internet of Things and also related to renewable energy. This is the so waited ‘next big thing’, unfortunately, no one seems to consider the consequences and damages from attackers that obtain unauthorized access into any IoT devices.”

They both concluded with a clear statement about the economic situation, considering the instability of the market that has caused a mild panic and wariness among the money-men. These venture capital and angel investors remain the lifeblood of the tech industry pumping hundreds of millions into ideas that they think have potential. They are the same gamblers who funded the last tech boom and who subsequently lost their shirts when those businesses failed, some notable exceptions slipped through and became legendary, names like Google, iliad, Alibaba, Tencent or Amazon, which to this day remain testaments to what is possible when a good idea embarrasses a good management. So even if for years they would not even consider Web/Tech investments, money has a short memory and gambling is an addiction.

Alexandre Despallieres & Xin Wei

Alexandre Despallieres & Xin Wei

Xin Wei obtained his Master in Mathematics and IT from France where he resides and wants to establish the company with his partner. Following The ‘Belt and Road’ a strategy from the Chinese President XI Jinping, focusing on cooperation and connectivity among countries, in the continuity of the initiative supported by the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls. An initiative which light-up innovations, entrepreneurship and re-enforce the partnership between France and China.