Karbonn and Kochadaiyaan team are launching ‘Kochadaiyaan’ special edition mobile phones for indian users. The phones are available for pre-order on Flipkart starting at ₹1,990. The phones will be only available only on Flipkart. Kochadaiyaan is South Indian film which features Superstar Rajnikanth and also feat Deepika padukone. The movie is superhero movie which has lots computer generated graphics.
Flipkart is also running a contest for buyers. Two winners will be invited for music launch of movie which is pegged for 9th march. The phone will go up for pre order on 21st Feb and will be available till 28 Feb 2014.
The Special edition phones which are up for sale are:
• Karbonn A6+ : 4″ inch screen, 1GHZ processor and 5 MP camera.• Karbonn A36 : 5 inch screen with 1 GHz dual core processor and 5 MP camera.
• Karbonn Legend 2.4
• Karbonn Legend 2.8
All mobile-phones will be pre-loaded with special kochadaiyaan content. It will be starting at ₹1,990. To take part in contest user have to write a slogan and send entries to Flipkart. To buy this special Edition Phone Follow this link below.
Click here to buy special kochadaiyaan Karbonn phones from Flipkart.
It is first time that any movie is launching special edition mobile phones and that too for a Rajnikanth film. It is a great combination of movie and Tech.
Will you buy this special phones from Karbonn?