Lava has launched a new budget Android Kitkat smartphone, Lava Iris 500. Lava Iris 500 is launched in India for Rs. 5.499. It is listed on company website for Rs. 5,499.
Related : Lava Iris Fuel 50 with 5 inch screen launched in India for Rs. 7,799
Lava Iris 500 features a 5 inch FWVGA TFT Display with 854×480 pixel resolution. It runs on 1.3 GHz Dual core Processor with 512 MB RAM.
Lava Iris 500 comes with 5 megapixel rear camera with LED Flash. It comes with 0.3 megapixel front camera. It has 4 GB internal memory which can be expanded upto 32 GB using MicroSD Card.
Lava Iris 500 has connectivity options like 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and Micro-USB. It has 1,800 mAh battery which gives 4.5 hours of standby time.
Lava Iris 500 runs on latest Android 4.4 Kitkat out of the box. It is a dual sim (GSM+GSM) device with dual standby support.
Key Specifications:
- 5 inch FWVGA TFT screen
- 1.3 GHz dual core processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 5 Megapixel AF rear camera with LED Flash
- VGA front camera
- 1,800 mAh battery
- 4 GB Internal Memory, can be expanded using upto 32GB MicroSD card
- Android 4.4 Kitkat
Lava Iris 500 comes in grey color. It is listed on Lava website and is priced at Rs. 5,499.