Lava has launched a new smartphone in India. The Indian company has launched a new device under Z series called Lava Z66. It is launched with a price tag of Rs. 7,777. It comes with 3GB of RAM.
Lava Z66 sports a 6.08 inch HD+ (1560 x 720 pixels) 20:9 2.5D curved Glass Display. It is powered by a 1.6GHz Octa Core Spreadtrum Processor with 3GB of RAM. For Graphics it comes with a Mali GPU.
Lava Z66 features a 13 Megapixel primary and 5 Megapixel secondary rear camera with LED flash. For selfies, It comes with a 13 Megapixel front camera. It comes with 32GB on-board storage which can be expanded up to 128GB using MicroSD card.
Its connectivity options include 4G VoLTE 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS/AGPS, Bluetooth, and Micro USB. It packs a 3,950mAh battery which comes with fast charging. It has Face Unlock feature.
Lava Z66 runs on Android 10. It is a dual sim device with dual standby support.
Lava Z66 Key Specifications:
- 6.08 inch HD+ screen
- 1.6GHz Octa core processor
- Mali GPU
- 13 Megapixel + 5 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash
- 13 Megapixel front camera
- 3,950 mAh battery
- 32GB inbuilt storage, can be expanded up to 256GB
- Android
Lava Z66 Price in India is Rs. 7,777. It comes in Marine Blue, Berry Red and Midnight Blue colors. It is available in India.