Last month Lenovo launched the Lenovo K3 Note, a new mid range smartphone in India. The smartphone was launched in India for Rs. 9,999. Last week it went on sale for the first time on Flipkart.
In the first flash sale, the company garners over 5 Lakh registrations. The company has put 47,440 units of Lenovo K3 Note for sale and it went out of stock in 5.2 seconds.
Lenovo K3 Note comes in Black, White and Yellow colors. But in the first flash sale, only black color was made available. Now Lenovo has also launched the device in White color in India.
Lenovo K3 Note will go on sale in White color in India on Flipkart from tomorrow. The second flash sale will take place on 15th July. The registrations for the flash sale has been already started and will go on till midnight.
It might be launched in Yellow color in upcoming flash sales. As of now you can grab the smartphone in Black and White color from Flipkart tomorrow. Only registered users will be able to take part in the 15th July flash sale.