Lenovo has launched an upgraded variant of Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus in India. The smartphone with 3GB RAM is launched at Rs. 8,499. It is available on Flipkart. The 2GB RAM variant gets a price cut and is available for Rs. 7,999.
Along with improved RAM, the company has also used cleaner UI. Now the Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus has almost stock UI and it comes with customizable launcher. The new UI is called as Lean Lenovo Pure UI.
Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus sports a 5 inch Full HD (1920 X 1080 pixels) IPS Display. It is powered by a 64 bit 1.5 GHz Octa core Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 Processor with 2GB/3GB of RAM. For Graphics it has a Adreno 405 GPU.
Lenovo K5 Plus comes with a 13 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash. For selfies, It comes with a 5 Megapixel front camera. It comes with 16GB in-built storage which can be expanded upto 32GB using MicroSD card.
Its connectivity options include 4G, LTE, 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS/AGPS, GLONASS, Wi-Fi Direct, WLAN, Bluetooth, USB OTG, and Micro-USB. It supports both FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE bands. It packs a 2,750 mAh Battery.
Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop with a layer of Vibe 2.5 UI. It is a dual sim(LTE+LTE) device with dual standby support.
Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus Key Specifications:
- 5 inch Full HD IPS screen
- 1.5GHz Octa core processor
- Adreno 405 GPU
- 13 Megapixel rear camera with LED Flash
- 5 Megapixel front camera
- 2,750 mAh battery
- 16GB Internal storage, can be expanded upto 32 GB
- Android 5.1 Lollipop
Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus price in India is Rs. 8,499 for 3GB RAM model and Rs. 7,999 for 2GB RAM variant. It comes in Gold and Silver color option