Earlier today, Microsoft and Nokia has started sending media invites for a event in New Delhi. The invite doesn’t explicitly mentioned which device will be launched. The invite only states “The Power of Two”, which indicates Nokia Lumia 630 will be launched. But that’s a pure speculation.
But now, import listing from Zauba, confirms that Nokia will launch Nokia Lumia 630 on 12 May. As you can see in the image above, Nokia has imported thousands of Nokia Lumia 630 for retail sale. The listing indicates that Nokia Lumia 630 has MRP of Rs. 11,999.
Nokia Lumia 630 has import price of Rs. 8,258. Nokia has imported around thirty thousand units of Nokia Lumia 630 which means the phone will go on sale from 12 May itself.
Interestingly, the imported device are single sim variant of Nokia Lumia 630 but has model number RM-978 which is model number for dual sim variant. So Nokia may launch both variants of Nokia Lumia 630 in India.
Nokia Lumia 630 will be the first phone to run on Windows Phone 8.1 out of the box. Nokia Lumia 630 will be the first Windows Phone smartphone with dual sim capabilities.
Nokia Lumia 630 Specifications
Nokia Lumia 630 features 4.5 inch FWVGA ClearBack IPS LCD Display. It runs on 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor with 512 MB RAM.
Nokia Lumia 630 features a 5 Megapixel rear camera with Auto Focus. It has 8 GB internal memory which is expandable upto 128 GB using MicroSD card.
Lumia 630 has connectivity options like HSPA+, Bluetooth, MicroUSB and Wi-Fi. It has 1,830mAh battery. It will run on Windows Phone 8.1, and have new features from Nokia.
Lumia 630 comes in single sim and dual sim variant. Specification of both the models are same.
Price : Nokia during Lumia 630 said that it will be priced at $159 (Rs. 9,550) for the single-sim variant, and $169(Rs. 10,150) for the dual-sim variant. The imported units of Nokia Lumia 630 has MRP of Rs. 11,999. So in India Nokia Lumia could be priced around Rs. 10,000-11,000.
Nokia may also announce Nokia X+ and Nokia XL. Yesterday we reported that Nokia X+ will be launched this week. Currently there is no word about Nokia Lumia 930, it will be launched next month.
Let’s wait for the official announcement on 12 May and see which devices are launched.