
Apple iOS powered devices iPhone, iPad, iPod support Over The Air(OTA) Updates. Whenever apple pushes an iOS update, all the compatible iOS device download the update automatically, but installs only after user consent.

Apple with the introduction of over the Air update for iOS, introduced many storage issues. Apple by default allows the device to automatically download the installer. But installs only if user allows it. But if user denies to install the update then that installer resides in the device memory, that creates shortage in already small device storage memory, which can’t be extended!!

Typically updates are very large ranging from 700 MB to 1.1 GB. Think about people with 16 GB device, for them 1 GB memory is very important. This installer resides in phone until update is installed. Until now There was no option to remove this. But now in the latest beta apple has added an option to remove the installer.

First spotted by German Blogger Macerkopf, the blog says that Apple has added the option to delete the installer from iOS 7.1 beta 2. As you can see in the image Above iOS 7.1 Beta 3 Installer size is 720 MB, which is huge and obviously consumes lot of storage.

To delete the installer:

• Goto Setting
• Select General
• Goto Usage
• In Storage, update will labeled as iOS Version
• Select the installer package
• Select Delete Update
• Now update is deleted

Well apple has added a great handy option to delete the installer file. Apple has come up with this option most probably because many users complained about automation update. When iOS 7 was out, One man also sued Apple for auto installing the update. Well Apple should have added an option to disable the auto download option, whatever something is better than nothing.

So what you thought about this move.