Earlier this month Mr. Mukesh Ambani had announced that Reliance Jio Commercial launch in India will happen from 5th September and also unveiled tariff plans. As announced the telecom operator has started its commercial operations in India.
The Telecom operator has converted its Free Jio Preview offer to free Jio Welcome offer and have migrated all existing users to Welcome offer. Under the new offer customers can take the sim card on all smartphones.
Reliance Jio Welcome offer is valid till 31st December. Till the end of year, customers will get unlimited voice calls, sms, Video calls. The company has stopped giving Unlimited High speed data under new Jio Welcome offer.
Now all Reliance Jio users will only 4GB high speed data daily. After using 4GB data, the speed will be reduced to 128kbps. The speed limit is valid for 24 hours. Once the 24 hour slot is over, you will again get 4GB 4G LTE data at high speed. You can check the time slot and remaining data on My Jio app.
With this type of limitations, Reliance Jio will be able to provide good speed to all users without overloading the network. Now all 3G/4G smartphones in India can get the free sim card.
Recently Reliance Jio had started offering its sim for Apple iPhone users as well. So now almost all smartphones in India can get the free welcome offer.