Samsung Galaxy Tab S which was launched last month is now launched in India. The 8.4 inch tablet in the Tab S series is launched in India for Rs. 37,800. It is a premium tablet with good specification and leather back finish.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 features a 8.4 inch WQXGA Super AMOLED Display with 2560×1600 pixel resolution which has pixel density of 359ppi. It runs on 1.3GHz Octa core Exynos 5 processor which is combination of 1.9 GHz quad core Cortex A-15 and 1.3Ghz quad core Cortex A-7 processor. Both The tablets have 3GB of RAM.
It comes in 16 GB and 32 GB internal memory options which can be expanded upto 128GB using MicroSD Card. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 comes with 8 megapixel rear camera with LED Flash. It also has 2.1 megapixel front camera. Rear camera is capable of recording 1080p videos.
Samsung Tab Galaxy S 8.4 comes in wifi and LTE model and has other connectivity options like 4G, LTE, 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS/AGPS, Bluetooth 4.0, USB OTG and Micro-USB. It has 4,900 mAh battery.
Samsung Tab Galaxy S runs on Android 4.4.2 Kitkat with a layer of TouchWiz UI out of the box. It comes preloaded with Milk Audio, Papergarden, Samsung WatchON and Sidesync 3.0 apps. It also allows to receive calls from Mobile phone to tablet. This feature is similar to Apple’s recently announced continuity feature.
Key Specifications:
- 8.4 inch WQXGA SUPER AMOLED screen
- 2.3 GHz quad core processor
- 3 GB RAM
- 8 Megapixel rear camera with LED Flash
- 2.1 Megapixel front camera
- 4,900 mAh battery
- 16/32 GB Internal Memory, can be expanded using upto 128GB MicroSD card
- Android 4.4.2 Kitkat
Tab S 8.4 comes in black and white color, it has MRP of Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 is Rs. 37,800. It will be available from mid-July.