Samsung Galaxy S5Samsung had launched its flagship smartphone, Galaxy S5 during MWC. It was launched in India on 11 April for Rs. 51,500. Soon after that Samsung offered Rs. 7,500 off on Galaxy S5 under buyback scheme which brings the price to Rs. 44,000. After that many online retailers started selling the device for Rs. 46,500 without any exchange offer.

Samsung has always denied the official price cut for Galaxy S5. But now Samsung is offering several types of schemes to lure customers. Check out the image below which shows several offers from Samsung. The Print ad was published in many local newspapers.
Galaxy S5 buyback offer

The above print ad is in Hindi. I will translate it into English. Samsung is offering three types of offers :

  1. Free pickup and drop service: If your Galaxy S5 have any problem then Samsung will offer free pickup and drop service. Samsung will also give one premium smartphone for standby use.
  2. One Time screen Replacement: If screen of galaxy S5 is broken or damaged, then Samsung will replace the screen of Galaxy S5 at just Rs. 990. The screen usually costs around Rs. 8,000-9,000.
  3. Exchange Offer: Samsung is offering Rs. 10,000 off if you exchange your old smartphone. If you buy Galaxy S5 under buyback then you will get it at Rs. 40,900.

Samsung is offering all these offers for Galaxy S5 buyers. Out of these three i like the screen replacement and exchange offer. It hurts when you accidentally broke your smartphone screen. I had broken once and it costs me around Rs. 8,500 and you how it feels when you pay that amount just for screen. Well you can replace your screen just once for Rs. 990, if you broke second time then you have pay full amount.


Samsung Galaxy S5 features a 5.1 Full HD Super AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 Protection which has pixel density of 432ppi. Galaxy S5 runs on Exynos Octa Core processor out of which four high power cores are clocked at 1.9GHz while other four low power cores are clocked at 1.3GHz. Galaxy S5 has 2 GB of RAM.

Galaxy S5 features 16 Megapixel camera with Super Auto Focus, HDR and 4K video capabilities. It also has 2 megapixel front camera. Samsung Galaxy S5 comes in two memory options 16GB and 32GB, there is MicroSD slot by which memory can be increased to 128 GB.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is equipped with connectivity options like Advanced LTE and Wi-Fi MIMO (802.11ac), USB 3.0, Bluetooth, 3G, NFC and Infrared.

The device packs 2,800 mAH battery which is capable of 290 hours of standby time.

Samsung Galaxy S5 runs on Android Kitkat 4.4.2 with a layer of ToucWiz UI.

Key Specifications:

  • 5.1 inch FHD Super AMOLED screen
  • Octa core Exynos processor(1.9GHz X 4 + 1.3GHz X 4)
  • 2GB RAM
  • Adreno 330GPU
  • 16 Megapixel rear camera
  • 2.1 megapixel front camera
  • 2,800 mAh battery
  • 16 GB, 32 GB Internal memory options, can be expanded up to 128GB
  • Android Kitkat 4.4.2 with a layer of TouchWiz UI
  • Fingerprint Sensor
  • Dust and waterproof body
  • Heart-rate monitor sensor

So, if you exchange your old smartphone then you can get Galaxy S5 at Just Rs. 40,900. These offers can be clubbed at any Samsung SmartCafe of authorized retailer. Samsung Galaxy S5 is also available for Rs. 37,999 on Flipkart without exchange offers.