Apple made many changes to its iOS App Switcher with the iOS 7 update. Apple added live app preview in the app switcher, added ability to kill the app the app by swipe gesture. In iOS 7 user has to swipe up the app card to kill the app. If we swipe down the app card in app switcher then nothing happens. What if you want to add sling shit effect in app switcher? You can’t do that because of apple restrictions but a new jailbreak allows you to do add a sling shot effect in App Switcher.
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SpringShot By Adam Bell is a free jailbreak tweak which allows to kill the app in sling shot effect. Simply pull the app card down and release the app card, the app card will go up and app will be killed. It is inspired by WebOS and is available for free.
Check out video Walkthrough of the tweak:
After installing the tweak, there is a enable switch in the setting pane.
Just enable the switch and tweak will work as advertised. It isn’t a groundbreaking tweak, but adds a nice effect to the app switcher. There is a room for further enhancement like animation speed. Well without that also this is a good tweak for fun purpose.
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If you like the tweak, it is available for free on cydia BigBoss repo. It is compatible with all devices running iOS 7.