It can be a complex and time-consuming task to manage your energy. This is especially true to large businesses that have a large portfolio. To get your energy strategy right can be crucial to making sure that you don’t overspend.

Businesses that have multiple site locations need to ensure that they are buying their energy correctly by utilizing a risk-managed strategy. Some businesses prefer to have multi-site energy meters as part of their energy strategy. There are also other energy strategies that you can implement. This article discusses the best way to manage your multi-site business.

Understand your consumption

Many successful businesses already know the importance of having clear consumption data. This is also especially true for businesses that have multi sites, most business owners usually face challenges when it comes to monitoring energy consumption.

For example, a restaurant chain or retailer, your energy usage can be split over several sites. In such cases, energy consumption tends to depend on a variety of different variables like customer traffic, number of sales, and staff behavior. Therefore, you need to know the average energy consumption across your whole business. If you find it hard to do this, then ask your utility consultant to customize your energy procurement strategy, meaning they can adjust procurement to cover site changes that happen.

A utility consultant can also offer you additional insight and assist you to lower your entire energy spend. A good utility consultant can highlight unusual patterns of energy consumption. This can help you to address inefficiencies immediately.

Clean energy records of your business

For a large business where there is a good chance you will be moving into or exiting a site, the management of your business can soon get worse and your life can be made easier if the business has clean energy records.

Unfortunately, some energy suppliers are now making it harder in the way they handle a change of tenancy. Quite often, they may ask for details like legal proof of responsibility or ownership from your attorney and a lease agreement. Remember that a change of tenancy can sometimes take at least three months.

This is the reason why you need to make the right forward planning by getting Utility Bidder to handle this on your behalf before your move date. This ensures that there is a smooth transition and that the records are correct and up to date.

There have been many instances where meters are usually removed from sites, but energy suppliers are not informed. As a result, the energy supplier can continue billing on non-existent meters. This is also a good reason why you should get someone to manage your energy more so that you can rest assured that mistakes like this don’t happen and your energy records are kept clean. When your energy account is corrected, a utility consultant can assist to make sure that your bills are correct and that the refunds that are due can be recovered.