Earlier this month, Microsoft had unveiled the next major update to windows phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1. Microsoft during the launch event confirmed that developer preview is coming soon. And Now Microsoft has launched Developer Preview of Windows phone 8.1.
Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview is for developers only, but we will show you how to get it without developer account. Well if you are already a windows phone developer or planning to be a developer then you can sign up for developer account from here and register yourself as a developer. The developer account fees is $19 (Rs. 1201). After signing up you will windows phone 8.1 update.
If you don’t have developer account, then you don’t need to worry as you can also get windows phone 8.1 and that too for free.
- Sign up with Appstudio from here, and create a Project, you don’t have to code anything just create a new project.
- After signing up, Download a companion Windows Phone app from here, login with Microsoft account.
- After downloading the app, check for updates from mobile settings.
- Now your phone will get update popup and you can install developer preview
In this way you can download and install Windows Phone 8.1 without the developer account. But you should be aware that by upgrading to Windows Phone 8.1 developer preview you will void your warranty. Also the update will only include updates from Microsoft only, OEM updates like Nokia customizations will not be included in the update. Once you update your device you will not be able to revert back to original firmware, but future updates will be seeded.
Windows Phone 8.1 comes with many new features like Cortana, Action Center, Background image and more. You can check new features of windows phone 8.1 from here. Microsoft Personal assistant Cortana will be currently available for US customers only, it will be rolled out to UK and china in coming months.
Windows Phone 8.1 for general public will be released in coming months. All devices running on Windows Phone 8 will get the update, but the update may vary according to carrier or OEM.
Will you install Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview?