Xiaomi has launched a new Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic in India. The headphone is launched in India for Rs. 500 and it is available on the Mi Store. It is available openly without any sale.

Mi In-Ear Headphones BasicXiaomi calls this Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic as new, but the Chinese company introduced the same headphones in India last year during Diwali for Rs. 299. We are not sure whether it is an improved variant of the same or the company is charging premium for the same old product.

Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic comes in Black and Silver color options. Its series number is HSER02JY. It features Flat and tangle free cable.

Some of the key features of Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Basic Headphones are:

  • Sleek aluminum chamber
  • Tangle-free flat cable
  • Aerospace-grade metal diaphragm

Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Basic price in India is Rs. 500 and it now available via company store in India.