Xiaomi Mi3Earlier this month, Xiaomi has announced its flagship device Mi3 in India for Rs. 14,999, it was scheduled to go on pre-order from today. Well today, the company has launched it officially and as expected it will be sold exclusively on Flipkart. The device is now up for pre-order on Flipkart but the price has been revised to Rs. 13,999 only. Xiaomi has reduced the price of smartphone by Rs. 1,000. The device will go on sale from 22 July.

Xiaomi Mi3 features a 5 inch Full HD IPS Display with 1920×1080 pixel resolution which has pixel density of 441ppi. It runs on 2.3 GHz quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 8274AB Processor with 2GB RAM. For graphics it has Adreno 330 GPU cloaked at 600MHz.

Xiaomi Mi3 comes with 13 megapixel rear camera with dual LED flash. It also has 2 megapixel front camera. It has 16 GB internal memory which cannot be expanded.

Xiaomi Mi3 has connectivity options like 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS/AGPS, GLONASS, NFC, Wi-Fi Direct WLAN, Bluetooth, USB OTG and Micro-USB. It has 3,050 mAh Battery.

Xiaomi Mi3 runs on Android 4.4.2 optimized with MIUI version 5.

Key Specifications:

  • 5 inch FHD IPS screen
  • 2.3 GHz quad core processor
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Adreno 330 GPU
  • 13 Megapixel rear camera with dual LED Flash
  • 2 Megapixel front camera
  • 3,050 mAh battery
  • 16 GB Internal Memory, cannot be expanded
  • Android 4.4.2 with a layer of MIUI version 5

Xiaomi Mi3 comes in multiple colors like white, blue, pink, yellow and black. It is priced at Rs. 13,999 only. You can pre register for the smartphone on Flipkart. The device will go on sale from 22 July.

The specifications Mi3 boasts are mind blowing and pricing of device is very aggressive. Other manufacturers are selling this specifications at above Rs. 25,000. So, Xiaomi Mi3 will definitely give tough completion to other smartphone manufacturer.