It’s a jungle out there for online businesses. If you’re a seasoned web user, you’ll know that the internet is filled with business to business (B2B) and business to customer (B2C) websites, which are broken down further into other types of businesses. With so many classifications and differences, how do you know which matter? Specifically, what are your customers looking for from your website aside from your offers?

To make it easier for you, we’ve created a shortlist of the features you need to concern yourself with presuming that you already have a website that needs improvement with specific elements. Here’s what your customers expect when visiting your website.

Good overall user experience

Simplicity is the name of the game in 2020. Websites that are both creative and easy to use can win the most customer heart. Combining a nicely designed website with a solid user interface allows visitors to enjoy their experience while navigating your site and ultimately purchasing the product or service they’re after.

Consult with your web Development Company or developer about the best practices and apply them based on your industry, niche and company values.

Clear and Valid Contact Information

Make sure that your businesses’ contact information has a designated and clear space on your website and ensure that all information is updated and clear.

For email addresses, you can embed a link on the page where when a customer interacts with it, a link or app opens right up. You can do the same with phone numbers, chat services and more. Find ways to separate the customer service side from leads and inquiries. You don’t want a client who’s having trouble ordering a product or service dealing with the wrong support team.

Accessible Calls to Action

The importance of the call to action buttons cannot be overstated as it answers the “now what?” question of your site visitors.

It’s a vital engagement tool for customers that shows them what you want them to do. Examples include the “Buy Now,” or “Sign up Here” buttons. However, don’t litter your site with them, but ensure that they’re placed strategically. Call attention to important customer decisions — whether you want them to buy a product, contact you for more information or simply sign up for a newsletter.

Security and Encryption

Your website’s customers will expect total data privacy and protection when dealing with your website, especially if you’re an e-commerce store.

Check the address bar of this website and you’ll notice right away that the URL starts with “https” plus you’ll see the lock icon that tells you the connection is “secured,” which means encryption is active. Transactions are more heavily protected when using this site.

When you deal with heavily sensitive information like Social Security numbers, credit card info, addresses, and others, everything must be as secure and private as possible. Breaches are deal-breakers and they happen all the time. Prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data by ensuring that it’s encrypted, which provides an additional layer of security.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption allows you to protect any data coming from and going to your website. Sites with active ssl certificate that starts with “https” instead of “HTTP,” search engines like Google prompt a visitor whether a site is secured or not – this means it can make or break a sale.

A safe and secure environment for your site visitors will be a fantastic staging point for your success online. Yes, it does take effort, but getting started today by trying out some of these techniques will provide you with a stronger appeal for your target audience – and this ultimately leads to more $$$.