Motorola will be launching its shatterproof, Motorola Moto X Force in India on 1 February. As happened with its earlier smartphones, this time the new Moto smartphone won’t be Flipkart exclusive.
Amazon India has listed the Moto X Force on its website ahead of official announcement. It indicates that the smartphone might be available on both Flipkart and Amazon after the officail launch.
It may also happen that Motorola might completely ignore the Flipkart and go on with Amazon. But that looks unlikely as the smartphone will be priced on higher side, so the company might want to release on both e-Commerce portals.
We will come to know about Motorola decision on 1st February when the company unveils its Moto X Force with shatterproof display. We expect it to be priced above Rs. 40,000.
Moto X Force is now listed on Amazon India and will be launched next in India next week.