Deregister iMessageApple has released a new tool to deregister your phone number from iMessage. With this new tool you can easily remove your number from iMessage.

The tool will benefit many users who have switched from iOS device to any other platform. The issue has been bugging many people from several years.

The main issue was that, whenever any iOS users shifts to any other platform without deactivating iMessage, he doesn’t receive any text message from friends using Apple devices. The reason for this is that Apple automatically sends the message as iMessage and iMessage doesn’t works on any other platform.

So whenever any Apple device user sends text message to your phone number, it is sent as iMessage instead of regular text message and end up with not receiving the message. If you have forgotten to deactivate iMessage before switching to new device, then this tool can help you.

Until now there was no solution to fix this problem, only solution was to deregister your old device from Apple accounts. Now Apple has made it easy to deregister your phone number.

You can deregister your phone number from iMesssage by entering your phone number on this page. Apple will send you a confirmation code on your phone number. Enter the code and click submit and now your device will deregistered from iMessage.

But the tool is available for selected countries only, this tool is not available for many countries including India. Apple will roll out the tool to other countries in coming months.

So with this new tool you can deregister iMessage from your phone number and start receiving text messages from friends with Apple devices.