Earlier this week Motorola started teasing the launch of its Moto X Force in India. Now the company has announced the launch date of the smartphone in India as 1st Feb.
‘Shatterproof’ Motorola Moto X Force will be launched in India on February 1. The company has started sending out the invites for the launch event on 1st February.
Motorola will be demoing the Moto X Force Shatterproof display in an all day event. The company will showcase the screen capabilities live. It comes with ShatterShield Tech Display.
Motorola Moto X Force price will be revealed on the launch day itself. It will be priced above Rs. 40,000. The X Force will be exclusively sold on online retailer Flipkart. It sports a 5.4 inch Quad HD (2560×1440 pixels) AMOLED Display which is protected with Moto Shatter-shield. It is powered by a 64 bit 2GHz Octa Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Processor with 3GB of RAM.