Google has launched its new Pixel smartphone in India. The company has launched new Google Pixel 3a in India with a price tag of Rs. 39,999. It comes with 4GB RAM and is powered by Snapdragon 670 SoC.
Google Pixel 3a features a 5.6 inch Full HD+ (2220 x 1080 pixels) IPS 18.5:9 2.5D curved Display protected with Dragontrail glass. It is powered by a 2GHz Octa Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 Processor with 4GB RAM. For graphics, it comes with a Adreno 615 GPU.
Google Pixel 3a comes with a 12 Megapixel rear camera with Dual-tone LED flash and Phase Detection AutoFocus. For selfies it comes with a 8 Megapixel front camera. It comes with 64GB inbuilt storage, which can be expanded upto 256GB.
Its connectivity options include 4G, VoLTE, 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS/AGPS, GLONASS, NFC, Wi-Fi Direct WLAN, Bluetooth, USB OTG and USB Type-C. It packs a 3,000 mAh Battery with Fast Charging. It comes with Fingerprint sensor on its back side.
Google Pixel 3a runs on Android 9 Pie. It comes with eSIM support.
Google Pixel 3a Key Specifications:
- 5.6 inch Full HD+ IPS screen
- Octa core processor
- Adreno 615 GPU
- 12 Megapixel rear camera with dual LED Flash
- 8 Megapixel front camera
- 3,000 mAh battery
- 64GB internal storage, can be expanded
- Android 9 Pie
Google Pixel 3a Price in India is Rs. 39,999. It comes in Just Black, Clearly White and Pueple-ish colors. It will go on sale in India from 15 May.