OnePlus team has announced that they have patched up their relationship with Cyanogen. Last year in December, the company launched the OnePlus One in India for Rs. 21,999.
Soon after company launched its flagship device in India, Cyanogen announced an exclusive deal with Micromax for Yu. The deal prevents other smartphones in India to get CM updates.
OnePlus team dragged the Cyanogen team to the court as they have breached their existing deal. Later, OnePlus announced that they will launch their own Custom ROM based on Android Lollipop. Last month, the company released the OxygenOS ROM for OnePlus One.
Now OnePlus has announced that they have ended their legal battle with Micromax and Cyanogen. The company has now revealed that Indian users will continue to get support from Cyanogen.
OnePlus in a blog post said:
Five months hence, we are happy to confirm today that all legal proceedings have been resolved and the cases have been withdrawn through mutual consent. We hate donning suits and ties anyways. To make things sweeter, we would like to re-assure our customers and fans in India that our flagship phone, the “OnePlus One” will continue to receive OTA updates from Cyanogen in-line with our users in markets around the world.
Well its a good news from the user’s point of view. So OnePlus One users in India will continue to get CM updates. So Indian OPO users will get the latest CM12 update and install it on their devices.